MEOQS2025 -
Methods for many-body open quantum systems
Trento, 31 March - 04 April 2025
This workshop aims to bring together leading theorists specializing in numerical and theoretical methods for many-body open quantum systems. This event follows a series of successful meetings in Vienna (2016), Madrid (2017), Garching (2018), and Dundee (2023). We believe this event will serve as a valuable opportunity for the community to stay updated on the latest developments in this field, and to foster collaborations and exchanges.
Sponsored by

Invited speakers (alphabetical order)
Alexander Schnell (TU Berlin)
Cristiano Ciuti (U Paris)
Federico Cerisola (U Exter)
Filippo Vicentini (École Polytechnique)
Gerarld Fux (ICTP, Trieste)
Leonardo Mazza (LPTMS, Saclay)
Lucas Sá (U Cambridge)
Marzena Szymanska (U. College London)
Masahito Ueda (Tokyo U)
Matteo Michele Wauters (U Trento)
Tatiana Vovk (U Innsbruck, IQOQI)
Vincenzo Savona (EPFL)
Xhek Turkeshi (U Cologne)
Zala Lenarcic (Jozef Stefan Institute, Lubjana)
Preliminary program

To attend the workshop please register HERE (deadline 31/01/2025).
You can contribute with a talk or a poster.
The event is free of charge and includes coffee breaks.